Day 138: Happy Sunday! A Prayer for the Sabbath

“To Change the Spiritual Climate of the World”
by Peter Marsha, Chaplain of the Senate, 1947-1949

Our Father, I think of all the pain and heartache, the tears and sorrow, the greed and cruelty unloosed around the world.

Help me to be an instrument of Thine to alleviate the pain, by this day:

returning good for evil,
returning soft answers for sharp criticisms,
being polite when I receive rudeness,
being understanding when I am confronted by ignorance and stupidity.

So may I, in gentleness and love, check the hasty answer, choke back the unkind retort, and thus short-circuit some the bitterness and unkindness that has overflowed Thy world. I ask this in the name of Jesus, who alone can give me the grace so to act. Amen. <3 ~ painting, "Country Church,” by Gill

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