Day 21: Trust in God’s Sovereign Will

James 1:17:
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

It has been a long road to Inauguration Day, a road full of unexpected potholes, barriers, turns, bumps, roadblocks and detours. And the final destination, for many, doesn’t look at all the way they had expected it to appear upon arrival. We prepared our hearts before setting out on the journey by praising, repenting, pleading, crying, and offering our petitions on behalf of America. Because of the promises in God’s Word, we know that He heard us, even if the answers for some are different than imagined. We believe that America is exceptional because since its birth we have experienced God’s undeserved blessings. We understand that all of us as citizens have been given much, and we mustn’t take it for granted. We can trust Him for the final result, knowing that, as our scripture for today says, everything from Him is a good and perfect gift and it is part of His plan. Whomever holds the office of President of the United States, the ills of our nation won’t be magically fixed in four years, they can only be fixed by the intervention of God Himself, by His mercy and grace. The prayers of His people, “for such a time as this,” have been poured out on America’s behalf and we know that we must continue beyond Inauguration Day. There is nothing we can do apart from the Father, rather, we dare do nothing apart from our holy God.

Months ago when the election prayer initiative began, we asked of God, as the song says, “God Bless America.” May we live in harmony, dignity, equality and most of all freedom—which is the yearning of the human heart to breathe freely without fear. And may we continue to ask that He help our country to be a beacon of liberty and democracy.,

Lord, on this first full day of a new administration, we give You this day and plead once again for Your wisdom to pour down on our President and the leaders of our nation, and we pray for your continued blessing upon America. In the righteous name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Jeremiah 18: 9-10:
“I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.”

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