Day 327: The Blessing of Christ, Our Light

John 8:12:
“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

This Thanksgiving week we are focusing on our many blessings and having an attitude of thankfulness. How thankful I am that we live in an age where we have conveniences that make our lives so much easier! That includes light and the many sources of light that illuminate the darkness. I can’t imagine reading or writing by candlelight as many did before the dawn of electricity. We are blessed with lamps to light our homes, street lights to provide security in our neighborhoods, headlights for driving safely at night, Christmas lights to add to the season’s festive spirit, candles to use in an emergency, little nightlights to light our way when we get up in the middle of the night.

In the beginning, God created light out of darkness by providing the sun for the day and the moon for night. God also provided a way for us to have our spiritual darkness come into light, through the Lord Jesus.

I’ll never forget talking on the phone with my friend, Bonnie, shortly after she came to faith in Jesus. She exclaimed, “You never told me it would be like this! There is so much more light; the sky is brighter and I can hear all the birds singing!” Her experience is similar to what many new Christians have shared when it seemed sight was restored from blindness or a veil had been lifted from their eyes. They no longer walk in darkness but have the Light of Jesus to guide their path. It saddens me to think there are many who are dear to me who still walk in darkness—and it really is literal darkness, not just figurative—as they don’t realize how dark their path is.

Coming to faith in Jesus opens the eyes of our understanding where once they were shut and darkened; opens our hearts to be enlighted to see our lost state and condition of our sin. When first we see Jesus for Who He is, we receive peace, pardon, and grace, and the Truth of the Gospel. Then we are able to turn from darkness to Christ Jesus, the Light of the World, to see sin for what it is, and open our hearts to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

This year, with many folks still finding it a challenge to be with family for Thanksgiving, my prayer is that however you are able to celebrate, may we all give thanks for Jesus, the Light of life in this very dark world.

Dear heavenly Father, we offer our humble thanksgiving for all of the ways You provide light in our lives and most especially for the highest blessing You have given, Your Son Jesus, our Light. Thank You that we no longer have to live in darkness but can walk confidently because of Your great Light that lights our path. We pray for those who are still blind that they would see the Truth of Your Light who is Jesus. May we have gratitude, a heart of thanksgiving and offer our sacrifices of praise daily. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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