Day 35: Who Will “Titus 2” Me?

Titus 2: 3-5:
“Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.”


As director of women’s ministry for a church of which we were members many years ago, I often volunteered to drive our large vehicle to events or retreats. On the return trip of one such event, the van was filled with a group of ladies that included a young mom of five by the name of Andi, who later became the mother of eight and grandmother of 18! The four-hour drive home offered much time for meaningful conversations, one of which has stayed with me for over thirty years. Andi, who is my closest friend to this day, shared how much she appreciated the fact that I had chosen not to go back to work after my girls left home to attend college. She said, “If you go back to work, who will ‘Titus 2’ me?” Andi’s words were life-affirming and helped to bring into clearer focus what God had in mind for me—to mentor and disciple women.

In today’s world, we have a large percentage of women who have chosen to work outside the home in very meaningful careers or out of necessity to help support the family. Many mothers have experienced the identity crisis that comes when the last of her children heads off on their own, either to school, to begin careers, or to marry. The mothering role changes and, for some, the decision is made to go back to work, often to help pay the college bills. But, every Christian woman, whether in the home or in the workplace, and whatever season of life, can offer a wealth of practical and spiritual experience to share with other women. Our churches and Individuals therein would reap huge benefits for generations to come by developing and offering some kind of Titus 2 ministry. If you are in a position to be able to pursue a mentoring relationship, here is a useful guide which can be found in the acrostic FAT:

F ~ Faithful: look for those who are believers, hungry to know God’s will and who will be faithful to you in the process.
A ~ Available: look for people who are available and will make the time because they desperately want more of the Lord in their life.
T ~ Teachable: look for those that are humble and want to grow; they will be teachable.

Whatever season you are in, the Lord may want to use you in the life of another!

Lord, make us ever aware of our own need to grow and model Titus 2 so that the Word of God will never be dishonored. Guide us as we lead others in Your way. May we always have the desire to be faithful, available and teachable. For Your sake. Amen.

~ painting by Daniel Ridgway Knight

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