2 Timothy 3: 16-17
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

It is said that there are two types of shoppers, a “Hunter” and a “Gatherer.” Perhaps you will see yourself in one of the following descriptions:
• For Hunters, shopping is a purposeful activity. The Hunter is a logical decision maker and embarks on a shopping task with direct focus. Hunters make a decision about what they want to buy and with that specific goal in mind, set out for the hunt, ignoring everything else around them; once found, the item is purchased and taken home.
• For the Gatherer, shopping is more about the experience, not necessarily in finding something in particular. They may only have a vague idea of what they want but do want to be inspired and are open to considering something different.
Which type of shopper are you? I tend to be the Hunter, the type of shopper who goes into the mall looking for one specific thing, getting it and going home. Most times it is perfect and I keep it and use it. There are also times when something really catches my eye and it seems to say, “This is for you!” But there are other times when I make a purchase and it doesn’t quite fit, the color is not quite right, or later I decide that I just don’t need it and take it back. There are also times when I buy something, put it away and then promptly forget about it, or forget where I put it!
Using the shopping analogy again, when it comes to reading and studying the Bible, are you a Hunter or Gatherer? Is your experience purposeful, focused, specific? Are you able to find what you are looking for? Does it fit your need or situation? Does it jump off the page and say, “This is for you!” Or do you read or study, not necessarily to find something in particular, but just to be inspired and to enjoy the experience? Either method is valid as long as you store what you are reading in your heart where it affects change and draws you closer to the living God. The saddest case would be that you put it away and forgot all about it or forgot where you put it!
Our verse for today instructs us that all scripture teaches, rebukes, corrects and trains so that we are fully equipped—“dressed” if you will—for every good work. This is the difference between mall shopping and shopping in God’s Word—not all mall shopping is beneficial, but all shopping or searching of Scripture is. Are you reaping the benefits of storing up God’s truths? How is your love for God? Your quiet time? Your obedience to His Word? Your relationships with loved ones and with your neighbors? Hunting and gathering from God’s Word builds a storehouse of treasures that always fit, never fade, never wear out, never go out of style and are always free!
Dear heavenly Father, we praise You today for Your Word. We are reminded what it says in Hebrews that “the Word of God is alive and active; sharper than any double-edged sword…and judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart.” We praise You that it was God-breathed and we can trust each and every word that came out of Your mouth. Give us a love for it, O God, a passion to learn more, a desire to live by the precepts You gave us. For Your sake we pray, Amen.