Day 312: Another Election Day

Mark 8:36
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
Isaiah 66:2
“This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at My Word.”
We have seen once again in this election cycle the best and the worst of human nature; any redeeming qualities that surely exist are often hidden from public view. How are we to discern God’s will for our county, city, state and nation? How are we to rise above election chaos and exercise our right to select our leaders for mayor, city council, school board, our senators, congressmen and governors? How can we heed God’s instruction to elect those who will honor Him, will love truth, who are just and will not lead our nation astray?
When adversity comes, whether through family tragedy, loss of a job, or an event that rips apart ones physical and material life, it has a way of bringing into perspective what really matters to us. In our humanness, we tend to hold fast to wordly gains which many believe offer security, comfort and a sense of worth. This election day is a good opportunity to ask ourselves if we need a fresh focus on what really matters to us and what matters to God. Mind you, not all political candidates will ask this question of themselves! Most will not have the same focus. However, the question I would ask is, “Is this candidate willing to forfeit their soul to gain the whole world?” Achieving wordly success through political gain has no lasting value, rather, one can only experience true success and eternal value by seeking God first.
We are reminded in His Word to always place our trust first and foremost in our Eternal God, rather than men and women. What a different nation we would be if we all—including our elected leaders—walked in humility before God and our fellow man.
Lord God, I praise You that You are on Your throne and that whatever happens in our election has already been sifted through Your sovereign hands. We can trust You for all the results knowing that it is part of Your plan. Whichever candidates are elected today, the ills of our nation won’t be magically fixed by any of our leaders. They can only be fixed by Your intervention. The prayers of Your people have been poured out on America’s behalf and we acknowledge that we must continue beyond Election Day. Fill us with an overwhelming sense that we can do nothing apart from You, rather, we DARE do nothing apart from You. However You decide to move today, we will still trust You and we ask Your continued blessing upon America. In Your name we pray. Amen.

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