Day 187: Why Should God Bless America?

Psalm 22:27-28
“You are our God, all dominion belongs to You and You rule over the nations.”
One of our nation’s most popular songs, an unofficial and more informal national anthem, is “God Bless America,” composed by Irving Berlin. Written in the form of a prayer, it was introduced to Americans in 1939, as the storm clouds of World War II were forming over Europe. The words are stirring and patriotic:
“While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free.
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer:
God bless America, land that I love.
Stand beside her and guide her,
Through the night with the light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam.
God bless America
My home sweet home.”
In penning those words, and as a Jewish American, Berlin had a unique perspective on what was happening in Europe. He was probably thinking about those desperately seeking freedom from hatred, oppression, persecution, or even certain death for their political convictions or faith. And so he wrote a hymn of gratitude and prayer that affirmed his loyalty and devotion to America.
But, paying tribute to the song’s origins and singing it occasionally is not enough to beseech God to bless our country. With the lingering concerns about the coronavirus, the sinking economy, as well as division, violence, and calamity continuing to spread across our nation, we may ask this question—is God still blessing America? Do we expect God to bless our nation simply because we have “In God We Trust” on our money or keep “Under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance? Do we presume upon God’s blessings because we are basically good, we defend freedom around the world, and give more than any other nation in the way of financial aid to countries in need?
Why should God bless America?
We know much is wrong with our beloved land, seriously and deeply wrong. But, there is also so much that is right with America. How can we be sure that God will bless us? What can we do?
The first step is for the church of God and for us as individuals to acknowledge our need for a Holy God. That’s where it begins. We need the blessing of the Lord Himself.
We need Jesus.
May our nation experience a new Great Awakening and may we as individuals acknowledge that we need revival in our hearts, with a new love and desire to know Jesus.
O Holy God, as You prepare our hearts for revival to take place, and prepare the hearts of the lost for a new Great Awakening, may we once again fully understand Your character and attributes. Help us to obey Your command to love You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We acknowledge that we can do nothing apart from You—we dare do nothing apart from You! So, that’s where we begin. As our scripture for today states, “You are our God, all dominion belongs to You and You rule over the nations.” We commit our nation to You today, in a renewed hope for Divine blessing to fall on us once again. By the power of Your Son’s name, in Jesus, we pray, Amen.

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