John 14:19
“Because I live, you also will live.”

Singers and songwriters Bill and Gloria Gaither have enriched Christian music for decades and their song, “Because He Lives,” is a personal favorite. According to the couple, they wrote this song when “our country was going through some great turmoil with the height of the drug culture, and the whole ‘God is Dead’ theory was running wild in our country and it was also at the peak of the Vietnam War.” During that time their little son was born, and Bill remembered thinking, “Brother, this is really a poor time to bring a child into the world.” Turning their discouragement into praises, they wrote these words, “…better still the calm assurance that this child can face uncertain days because Christ lives.”
This sounds very much like our country today, doesn’t it, so many decades later? Recently, some have expressed concern about bringing children into this world because of strife, crime, violence, “rumors of wars” and the lingering concerns related to the recent pandemic. I have no doubt there are some who fear bringing children into a world where there is so much uncertainty about the future. Through the ages, there have always been uncertain times, but because God sent His Son, Jesus, to die and then to be raised from the dead, we can face whatever tomorrow holds because He lives!
Heavenly Father, what a comfort it is to know that no matter the uncertain days in which we live—days of pain, illness, death, wars, financial difficulties, rebellious children, and political turmoil—we can face tomorrow because Christ lives. We can face uncertain times because You are in control, faithful and trustworthy. Thank You that You hold our future in Your hands. Amen.