Day 305: A Season of Thanksgiving – a Time of Preparation

1 Thessalonians 5:18
“In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Today is the first day of November, the month in which we observe the fourth Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving. Many consider it their favorite holiday, joining with family, and perhaps friends, to share an abundant array of God’s bounty. Though most of us don’t have land from which we gather a harvest, we fill our shopping carts with family favorites, and dust off the recipes, all in preparation for the big day—a day to offer Thanksgiving to God above for His faithful provision.
The Lord impressed upon me back in August that, rather than celebrating just one day in the month, He wanted to prepare me for an entire month of devotions dedicated to the subject of Thanksgiving. As often happens, He continued to bring this particular subject to mind, and so I began the preparation process or, rather, HE began the preparation process. He pointed me to materials to use for personal study that enhanced my knowledge, offered new insights, and convicted my heart. But God was up to so much more in this preparation process, and He knew all along that I would need a heart attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude.
In a recent devotion entitled, “Welcome Home,” I related the experience I had towards the end of a wonderful vacation to England, which included a transatlantic cruise back to the States. I became ill with a serious ear infection and vertigo two days before the ship docked. God demonstrated His faithfulness through my husband, dear friends, NYC Port assistants, our daughter, my doctors, and the prayers of so many to get me to a point of near-total wellness again. At every turn, I was prompted to offer thanksgiving to Him for His care for me, His provision for my every need, and for the preparation of my heart that He had begun back in August.
I do hope you will join me this month as we spend time preparing our hearts by focusing on our thanksgiving and gratitude to God for:
• Who He is
• His Attributes
• His Blessings
• His Provision
There will be two occasions when I will deviate from the series, and on Sundays the focus will focus on prayer and praise.
Dear heavenly Father, we offer our thanksgiving to You for how You orchestrate circumstances in our lives that work for our good. Life isn’t perfect, but You are. As we look forward to Thanksgiving Day, prepare our hearts to have an attitude of gratitude for all the ways you care for us each day, and provide for our needs. We offer our thanksgiving today, and pray that all we say and do would bring glory to You. Amen.
~ painting by

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