A Season of Hope ~ Preparing our Hearts for Easter
Matthew 11: 29-30
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Happy Sunday, dear readers! Just a reminder that the Sundays during Lent are not counted among the traditional 40 Days, as every Sunday is a celebration of Jesus our Savior! As we honor Him and keep the Sabbath, let us enjoy fellowship, focus on His Word, and be reminded of the richness of hymns and spiritual songs. Many of the hymns and songs chosen for Sundays as well as for Evensong, which are posted late each afternoon, tie into the theme of the morning devotion. I have a love for the old, lesser-known hymns, which have powerful stories to tell, encouraging us to worship and praise but also were written to share the gospel. Enjoy your day of rest and have a Happy Sunday!
“His Yoke is Easy”
I’ve found my Lord and He is mine,
He won me by His love;
I’ll serve Him all my years of time,
And dwell with Him above.
His yoke is easy, His burden is light,
I’ve found it so, I’ve found it so;
His service is my sweetest delight,
His blessings ever flow.
No other Lord but Christ I know,
I walk with Him alone;
His streams of love forever flow,
Within my heart His throne. [Refrain]
He’s dearer to my heart than life,
He found me lost in sin;
He calmed the sea of inward strife,
And bade me come to Him. [Refrain]
My flesh recoiled before the cross,
And Satan whispered there,
“Thy gain will not repay the loss,
His yoke is hard to bear.” [Refrain]
I’ve tried the road of sin and found,
Its prospects all deceive;
I’ve proved the Lord, and joys abound,
More than I could believe. [Refrain]
~ lyrics by D.S. Warner