
“Christ, Our Passover”





Our Lamb is slain, the Paschal Lamb,
Of which the old is but a token;
Tho’ shadowed in the midnight past,
There’s not a word has e’er been broken.

I’m under the blood, the passover blood,
The Lam was “slain from the foundation:”
It points to the side of Jesus, who died,
And purchased for us salvation.

Come, climb to Calv’ry’s mournful site,
And see the streaming wounds of Jesus;
The spotless victim yields his life,
And from the sword of justice frees us. [Refrain]

I’ll ne’er forget when first, by faith,
I saw my Saviour, bleeding, dying;
And there again, for Perfect Love,
I plunged into the fountain, crying. [Refrain]

There’s sweet repose beneath the cross,
And safety when the blood doth cover;
For God has spoken in his word,
“When I see the blood, I will pass over.” [Refrain]

The blood’s the bridge that spans the gulf,
And brings us near to God, and Heaven;
It flows for you, it flows for me,
O sinner, come, ’tis freely given. [Refrain]



~ lyrics by Henry Gilmore
~ painting by Rev. Msgr. Donald C. Hamburger

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