Day 190: The X-Ray

1 Peter 1:3
“According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”




The tension was palpable; the fear was about to spill out into unrestrained tears. My dad held my mother’s hand as the doctor pointed to a spot on the X-ray image and uttered the dreaded diagnosis, “Lib, you have a tumor here in your stomach and surgery will be required to remove it.” Mom had been experiencing concerning symptoms for a while but the difficulty in keeping food down over the recent holidays was what drove her to have tests done. Before that day in the doctor’s office, when she saw for herself the image of the tumor, she didn’t recognize her need for surgery. Suddenly it was obvious. Surgery was immediately scheduled to have it removed.

Prior to the procedure, Mom and Dad met with our pastor who helped my mother recognize that there was another deadly disease—unseen to the human eye—that she needed to deal with. When presented with the Gospel of Christ, a spiritual X-ray revealed a God-sized hole in Mom’s heart surrounded by the disease of sin. It became obvious to her that the only way to remove the disease and fill the hole was to believe in the resurrected Christ. Both she and my father recognized their need for a Savior and, by grace, were born again into a living hope through faith in Jesus. After the successful surgery, my mother lived for another two years, confident in where she would spend eternity.

Because of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, those who place their faith in Him can live each day with a living hope, confident in their eternal home to come. Are you confident today?

Father in Heaven, You have shown Your great mercy towards us by providing a living Hope through Your Son, Jesus. May we live out our lives in confidence that it is Jesus’ Holy Spirit who now resides in our hearts. Where once we were empty, now our God-sized hole is full of Your love, peace, and living hope. Thank you, Father, for the ultimate gift of love, Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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