
The Sabbath Evening 



How lovely smiles the gentle ray
That closes soft the Sabbath day !
What holy feelings calm and sweet,
Within the Christian’s bosom meet!
Alone he walks beneath the shades,
Which silent solitude pervades;
There meets the smile of peace–and there
Expands his soul in praise and pray’r.
The blessings of the hallowed day,
His thoughts with gratitude survey:
Which heightens as repentance dwells
On failings weeping memory tells.
Holy Repentance ! sacred pow’r !
Oft dost thou sway the Christian’s hour;
And swell’st those purifying sighs
Which waft the spirit to the skies.
By thee, through a redeemer’s blood,
His soul is reconcil’d to God,
And, hoping aid from mercy’s store,
Determines to offend no more.
Thus sooth’d to tranquil happiness,
Too pure for language to express,
Prepar’d to meet each future day–
The Sabbath Evening steals away.
~ words by Susan Evance

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