Day 223: Still Bearing Fruit

Psalm 92: 12-15
“The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.“




Whenever someone greets my husband and asks how he is doing, his response is this: “Well, I’m vertical, mobile, and I’m taking nourishment, so I’m good!” Truth be told, he has much loftier goals and makes the most of his time each day, not allowing himself to rest on his laurels or aching joints! For some folks, however, those might just be the only goals they have on any given day.

Many seniors in today’s society—and I’m really referring to those over 60—are in better shape physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually than they have been their entire lives. Today, many choose to live in “over 55” communities or gather with folks their own age to share common interests and give regular “organ recitals.” The people of the “Boomer” generation are apt to say that they have done their bit, it’s time for the younger generation to take the reigns, and that they prefer to stay in the comfort of their holy huddles. How will the generations coming up behind us learn the lessons needed to make wise choices and godly decisions if we are not willing to share what we know? They need to hear from us:

• How marriage works in sickness and in health
• How to seek God’s will
• How to be disciplined in the study of God’s Word and prayer
• How to pray for God’s provision and to live within one’s means
• How to be faithful to the 90% God entrusts to our good stewardship
• How to trust God in physically challenging times when fear overwhelms us
• How to pray for a prodigal child
• How to serve in the name of Christ
• How to then pass along what they know to the next generation behind them

For years, Moses invested his wisdom and knowledge in the life of Joshua, a young man who had proven himself to be a man of courage, humility, and faith. Joshua was described as a man “in whom is the spirit.” Moses knew the people would need new leadership when he was no longer with them, and God answered Moses’ prayer to make it clear who should take his place. We, too, must pray for God to show us how and in whom we can invest our wisdom and knowledge now, which will reap rich dividends when we are no longer around.

An older woman once said, “I cannot do all of what I once did, but what I do, I can do it better.” And that includes this thing called the Christian Life. Our scripture passage for today says, “They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright…“ So, why aren’t we sharing what we know of this faith-filled life—the rich treasure of wisdom from lessons learned through mistakes and successes that come from years of experience—with the younger folks in our churches and communities?

There are myriad opportunities to be involved. A one-on-one setting, a small group, discipleship group, mentoring group, or a Bible Study, are some of the ways for us to make an investment in the future generations to equip men, husbands, fathers, women, wives, and mothers to become fully committed Christ-followers and disciples, perhaps even leaders.

Do we dare allow that wealth of wisdom to be buried with us when we die? Have we forgotten that we have a great responsibility to do all we can for God so His will and work will flourish and advance long after we are in our graves? Which generation are we living for? Our own or the next?

Dear heavenly Father, forgive us for believing that it is for our sake alone that we soak up knowledge. Renew in us the desire— no matter our age—to share from the richness of Your grace, the wisdom, and knowledge we have gained from having a relationship with You. Please provide opportunities for us to teach, equip, serve, and love those coming up behind us, to continue to bear much fruit, and we will give You the glory. In Christ’s name and for His sake we pray. Amen.

– painting by Ling Strube

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