Day 251: Preparing Hearts to Pray for Our Nation ~ America, We Have an Emergency

John 8:12
“I am the Light of the world; He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Martin Luther has been recognized for over 500 years as the Great Reformer. His belief in biblical truth along with his courage, conviction, and empowerment by the Holy Spirit, enabled him to stand against the most powerful religious system in the world. His influence and work impacted Christianity forever. Where did his strength come from? The answer is his devotion to prayer. He is quoted as saying, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer,” which he did pouring out his soul before God in words ‘full of adoration, fear, and hope…” He is also quoted as saying, “And what was God’s answer to this great crisis in the 1500’s?… God did listen to the cries of His servants. He gave princes and ministers grace and courage to maintain the truth against the rulers of the darkness of this world… The Protestant Reformers had built on Christ, and the gates of hell could not prevail against them.” (The Great Controversy, p. 210). The Protestant Reformation is thought by many historians to be in the top five of most important events in world.
The dedication of Martin Luther to recognize a crisis and his right response to it should inspire us to realize the power that prayer has in meeting the crises we face in our country. It is the very foundation from which change can spring.
If America is to maintain truth against the “rulers of the darkness of this world,” our faith must be built on Christ, the truth of His Word, and the power of prayer, so that the “gates of hell” cannot prevail against us. We must commit to prayer and God will provide the strength to do so, maybe not for three hours a day, but a devoted time set aside to lift up to the Lord our concerns for America.
This hour in our nation’s history calls for historic prayers. Perhaps you’ve heard of “Holy Spirit Revival Meeting” prayers? Yep, that’s what we need!  Urgent, 911, we-have-an-emergency, all-hands-on deck, man-your-battle-stations, S.O.S. Mayday, prayers! We dare not do less. There is still time for our nation to repent and turn back to God. He can sweep away the corruption and chaos in our beautiful country. The Lord can turn America around, but we must do our part, for nothing will turn our nation around except for prayer. Will you commit to pray?
Dear heavenly Father, we praise You for Your mighty power to save us and restore our country. We confess that we are deserving of Your judgment for all the ways we have turned our backs on You, and we beg for forgiveness. How grieved You must be. We also acknowledge that no President, no government, no organization or media, no amount of money or military might can restore us. Only by Your mighty hand will the rulers of darkness be thwarted. Please listen to the cries of your servants, O Lord, and accept our prayers. May they move Heaven to change our nation. In faith we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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