
“A Scallop Shell the Badge of Our Devotion” ~ a Hymn for Pilgrims



A scallop shell the badge of our devotion,
as, travelling on where other steps have led,
we trust in God for all our life’s provision,
for love and joy, and for our daily bread.

We seek the path wherever Christ may lead us,
held firm by love and grounded in God’s grace,
we share companionship with those who join us,
and in each one we meet Christ face to face.

The past has witnessed, through our history’s pages,
to life-long sacrifice, to faith and praise;
as pilgrims let us vow to future ages
we’ll walk in hope and love through all our days.

Written by Andrew Pratt to mark the 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower from Plymouth, England. Words © 2020 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England.

~ painting by Martin Davey

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