Day 12: A Prayer for the President ~ 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation

Romans 13:1-4a
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.”
Heavenly Father, our entreaties for all of those in authority begin today with prayers for the President, Joseph Biden. Father, we have been attuned to our own need to have a fear of the Lord, and we pray this for the President. We beg you, God, that You would draw Mr. Biden unto Yourself; draw him into a personal relationship with You, placing his faith in Christ for salvation.
We pray that he would develop a fear of the Lord and a conviction by the Holy Spirit to repent, to humbly seek forgiveness and pray, and that God would give him a spirit of wisdom and revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that You would protect him from pride and deception of any kind and fill him with all truth. We pray that You would give him a desire to read the Bible and to pray faithfully, with dependence on You each day.
May You impress upon the President that he is in the White House by Your sovereign hand, and it is therefore a sacred responsibility—to whom much is given much is required. Please grant him the company of spiritual counselors to advise him on issues vital to our nation and who will help him make wise decisions that will fulfill God’s will for our nation. Help him to have discernment of what is evil or who has evil intent towards him and our nation and the determination to fight against all attacks of the evil one. Give him the courage to take a stand against many policies that go against Your holy laws.
We pray for the President’s family, that they would be protected from harm, illness and the schemes of the evil one. We pray that, in what appears to be physical weakness and mental decline, that You will be his strength, and that his body will remain strong and healthy throughout his term. We ask, most gracious Lord, to watch over the President with Your divine protection, to send your angels to have charge over him and guard him in all his ways.
We ask for the Spirit of Prayer to touch the hearts of our citizens all over the country to pray daily for Mr. Biden. We love you, Lord, we trust You. Thy will be done, and all glory will be yours. Father. We ask all of this in the powerful name of Jesus, the One who is mighty to save. Amen.
~ painting by Scott Kahn
I am honored that you have read my devotion today and pray it encourages you to also pray in earnest for our nation during these 40 Days of Prayer.  To God be the glory! 

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