Day 23: Pray for Our Families: Children – 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation

Psalm 127:3-5
“Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”
Proverbs 14:26
“Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.”
Dear Father, today we bring to You prayers for our children and grandchildren. We are reminded once again that we are to fear the Lord, and our scripture today says that by fearing You we have a secure fortress, that is a refuge for our children. Oh, that our children would always seek refuge in the fortress of the Lord! We ask that You draw our children to come to a knowledge of Jesus as Savior and embrace Him as Lord, their stronghold. We never want them to seek security anywhere else.
We pray for their safety—emotional, physical and spiritual—as they venture out into the world where we can’t always be there to watch over them. Keep the evil one at bay and help them depend on You to guard them and the Holy Spirit’s discernment to guide them. Give them wisdom in all Truth to make the right choices and avoid temptation.
Help them, O Lord, to depend on You daily by being in Your Word, and that they would have full assurance of their salvation and identity in Christ, that You created each one uniquely for Your plan, purpose and destiny. Their self-confidence should come from that and not from what the world tells them. We pray for them to have positive friendships and mentors who model godliness and point them to the Light.
We know from our own experiences that struggles and hardships are a part of life, and so we ask that their faith would build endurance as they overcome each trial. As parents and grandparents, help us to show them the way of life that is blessed when abiding with God, and that apart from Jesus they can do nothing. Help them, O God, to pray for their enemies, even those who speak ill, tell lies or bully them. Comfort them when they are hurt, mistreated or brokenhearted, and give us words to convey understanding and mercy.
We ask that they would be instilled with a love of country with its rich history, heritage and heroes. May they be inspired to use their spiritual gifts to serve the Lord as well as our nation, whether in a local, state or national service.
Thank you, Lord, that we don’t have to travel this child-raising road alone, that You are with us in this calling. Though rearing them can be our biggest challenge, children are our greatest gifts from You. May we remain faithful to the calling and may they bring glory and honor to You. In your gracious Name we pray, Amen.
~ painting via Corinne Hartley
I am honored that you have read my devotional prayer for children and grandchildren today and I trust you will be encouraged to pray for our nation. If you would like to receive the devotions in your mailbox every day, visit the Home page and simply click on “Subscribe.”

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