Isaiah 40:28
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable.”
Psalm 8: 1-9
“LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants You have established a stronghold against Your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is mankind that You are mindful of them, human beings that You care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of Your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!”
How can one summarize in just a few lines who God is? It is impossible! He is infinite, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the everlasting God, therefore, there is no end to the descriptions of God’s attributes and character. His works of creation are evidence of His divine hand and His rule over the universe and mankind. The works of His creation proclaim to all the world that there is an infinite Being, all powerful and sovereign, Who rules over all. He created mankind to proclaim His glory here on earth and made us rulers of His creation, entrusting us with guardianship over it. We are His, created by Him with a plan and purpose for each of our lives, even before we were born. What an awesome God! Let us consider these attributes of God and have a heart of thanksgiving today for Who He is!
• He is Infinite, self-existing, without origin
• He is Omnipotent, all-powerful
• He Is Omniscient, all-knowing
• He Is Omnipresent, He Is always everywhere
• He is Everlasting
• He Is Wise, He Is full of perfect, unchanging wisdom
• He Is Faithful, He Is infinitely, unchangingly true
• He is Just, Merciful, and Gracious
• He is Love
• He is Holy and Glorious
Everlasting God, we offer our thanksgiving to You today, for the host of attributes that speak of Your incomparable character and all-powerful nature. We can never adequately express how much we praise, honor, and trust You, Lord. Please speak to us, loving Father, as we prepare our hearts to be filled with thanksgiving for all You are and all You do. May our prayers and praises in response be sweet to Your ears, O God. In all we say and do today, may we glorify You. In Your everlasting name we pray. Amen.
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Thank you, Marsha. You have put into words, all that is in my heart and it is exciting to read. Our cups runneth over! Blessings
Thank you for your kind comments, Shirley. Our cup runneth over, indeed!
I’m always blessed and thankful for your Devotions. You’ve got a beautiful gift from the Lord and can reach so many souls you’ll never know.. Thank you.
Thank you so much, Shirley! To God be the glory!