Away in a Manger
“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head,
The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.”

“God’s offer of peace is something so many miss out on because they fail to make room for the One who brings it. Remember why Jesus was lying in a manger in the first place? Why was the God of heaven in a feeding trough? Because there was no room anywhere else. No one had made room for Him. He made the entire universe. He came into His universe. And there wasn’t a place for Him. Let’s be honest: in the lives of many of us, it’s no different. We have no room for Him either—not if it makes life in any way uncomfortable for us, not if His presence brings any inconvenience to us, not when His actions and words surprise us. But our response does not change the truth. God has visited this world. He has come as one of us, to bring peace to us by redeeming us from our sins. Will you say to Him, “No room?”
~ Alistair Begg
Most gracious God, in the midst of our many challenges these days, which in some cases are taking a toll on our physical and emotional energy, may we, right at this moment, commit to opening our hearts to make room for Your Son. And may the sweet fragrance of Christ be evident in our homes, as we once again open our doors to family members and friends. More than anything we want to thank you for redeeming us and bringing joy to our hearts, a joy indescribable, a joy that is eternal. Thank you, for your Son, Jesus, the Way of Joy. In His name we pray. Amen.