Day 266: Preparing Hearts to Pray for Our Nation ~ A War Room

Psalm 50:15:
“…and call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me.”

During the last three weeks, we have been concentrating on preparing our hearts to be in a right position—by fasting, repenting, and praying—as we begin the period of forty days with a targeted focus of praying on behalf of America. Thursday, September 24, is the start of 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation. I trust that we are all united in our passion and desire that our prayers would be effective, heard and answered. Of course, we must always keep in mind that God does hear our prayers, and always answers according to His sovereign will. Our part is for our prayers to be effective.

We can take inspiration from Miss Clara, the main character in the movie, “War Room,” who shows Elizabeth, a woman whose marriage is falling apart, a special closet she has dedicated to praying—Miss Clara calls it her “war room.” Just like the military sets up a special “war room” for planning a strategy to fight a foe during a national crisis, we must also seek God for the right strategy in order to stand up and fight the enemy and combat the issues we face in our culture.

Martin Luther has been quoted as saying, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” If ever there was a time for us Christians to pray and, not just pray, but to kick our prayers into high gear, now is the time! We need to pray like our very life depends on it, because perhaps it does!

Not all of us has a space for a war room of our own, but we can develop a strategy so we are ready to start on Thursday. Tomorrow I’ll share with you some ideas for having a prayer strategy as we begin 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation.

Father in heaven, how thankful we are that You are faithful to hear us when we call out to You and promise to answer according to Your will. We have much on our hearts as we get close to the election and how the results will impact our nation on many levels. We plead for America; we intercede on her behalf, that You would shower Your mercy and grace upon our nation in the days ahead. Help us to be faithful in prayer, considerate in our behavior, and loving in brotherhood towards others. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.