Ephesians 2:10
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Many have asked how I got interested in owning a tea business and embarking on devotional writing. Much like life—a process of taking one step and then another—there were definitely pivotal moments that pointed me in a certain direction. This is the first one I remember and it led me to a spiritual awakening that changed the course of my life forever.
An apt description of the environment I grew up in would be a traditional, military family. As an Army brat, I learned to obey rules, to have proper manners and to represent my family well by my behavior and appearance. My faith and understanding of God were Christian in a traditional sense—I believed in God, learned some of the basics and tried to follow the Ten Commandments to earn God’s favor. Moving around a lot was a way of life, leading to a rather shaky sense of security. This insecurity continued into my marriage as my husband’s career in Naval aviation required us to move across the country, away from family. His Navy duties required him to be away from home weeks and months at a time, and for a period he was in active combat situations.
Insecurity, fear and loneliness had settled into my heart but the most profound was a sense of hopeless despair. As a 25-year old with two little ones, the weight was unbearable and I didn’t know how to cope; I was on the brink of ending it all. On television one night a Billy Graham telecast caught my attention and the message touched my heart. These words from Psalm 139:16, gave me a sense of hope for the future, “All the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be.” Dr. Graham also shared these words from Colossians 3:13, “For He rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” I knew I needed rescuing from the darkness into which I had descended. God’s invitation to accept the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ came with the promise of peace, hope and eternal security. I opened my heart and placed my faith and trust in Christ that night, and received new life and new hope.
Within months, my husband also trusted Christ and, soon after, he was selected for exchange duty with the Royal Navy in England for two and a half years. Though it wouldn’t take root until many years later, the first seed for a future business was planted by our time living in the land of Tea. Little did I know then what God had in store for my life in the years to come. Looking back, I am truly grateful for all the days God ordained for me. Each experience, the good and the bad, has made me who I am and have led me to the meaningful life I have now. His “works are wonderful, I know full well.”
If you are struggling with life right now—fear, insecurity, loneliness, trying to work harder to earn God’s favor—He is offering you, through Jesus, hope and eternal security. May your heart be awakened to God’s great gift of Jesus and His plan for your life. Reach out to Him. Perhaps this is your pivotal moment.
Heavenly Father, we praise You that You created us, fearfully and wonderfully, each according to Your design, with each day written in Your book. Lord, help us to trust You to direct each step we take, accordingly to Your will. Even though sometimes it doesn’t seem so, Your plan is perfect and is designed for our good. Thank you, Lord, for loving us and providing a way for us to live with You for eternity. Amen.
~ painting from the MacNeil Studio
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