Romans 6: 8-9
“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, He cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over Him.”
“Lo! Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;
lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom;”
~ Richard B. Hoyle

The memory is still fresh of the previous two years of Easter celebrations which were like none we had experienced in our immediate family, our church family, and in our country. Many of the traditions that we had taken for granted and hold dear—worshipping with our church friends, followed by a big dinner with family, to name just a couple—were squashed because we were shuttered by a teeny, tiny microscopic virus. Gloom had descended upon the world; fear had gripped many; the deadly disease had its way with millions.
But, God made a way, and by last year our Easter celebration was a bit more normal. What a sense of joy, gratitude and praise to the One who made it all possible. As far as our family is concerned, He brought us through the last two years with our family in tact and our mental, spiritual and physical health strong. This year, it is only distance that has separated us this Easter, but we praise God for the abundance of blessings He has poured out on us.
This Lenten season has come to an end but this is not the end of the story! On that first Easter, Jesus conquered not only fear and gloom, but death itself. And because of Him, they have no hold on us.
In the days ahead, I pray you will also be reminded of the wonderful truths and encouragement received from God’s Word during this Lenten season. Let us stay “confessed up” as the Lord loves repentant hearts. Let us also stay “prayed up,” as the Lord loves our devotion to consistent prayer for the many needs the Holy Spirit brings to mind. Lastly, may we also stay attentive to the needs of others and how we can love our neighbors as ourselves.
O, what a Savior we serve! He has risen to give us new life and resurrection power. No matter what we face tomorrow, next month or next year, always remember that this same Jesus, the King of Glory, is coming again!
Father in heaven, we praise You for your unspeakable gift to us, Your Son, Jesus. May we honor and serve Him all our days, no matter our circumstances, till He comes again in glory to meet us in the air. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
*Daily postings of Devotions For All Reasons began in 2017, and since then I have only taken one break for a short sabbatical. It’s time to do so again, though this break is due to extended travel time with my husband. I trust you will visit this website again on June 1, when the daily devotions will start up once more. Feel free to scroll through to catch any you might have missed along the way. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your love, encouragement and, especially, your prayers over the last five years. Continue please! See you in June!