Day 163: Born a King

Mathew 2:2:
“Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
Our family has just returned from a long-anticipated trip to England, one that was postponed for three years due to the pandemic. The timing for this three-week adventure couldn’t have been better. Booked well in advance of our desired departure, our arrival date turned out to be fortuitous—six days after the Coronation of England’s new king. Mind you, we love a good celebration with all the pomp and circumstance that London is famous for. However, hoards of people we are not too fond of, so arriving after the festivities were over was perfect. The weekend before our departure, from the comfort of our own home we, along with millions of others, tuned in to watch as Charles III was crowned with the St. Edward’s Crown to officially become king of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms.
The new king was born in Buckingham Palace in 1948 to his mother, Princess Elisabeth, who would become queen in 1952 upon the death of her father, King George VI. Charles ascended to the throne to become king upon the death of his mother. Though born in a palace to a mother who would be queen, Charles was not born a king. It took 74 years for the position of king to be bestowed upon him.
But Jesus was different. Our Lord never had a jewel-incrusted crown placed on His head, nor a luxurious palace in which to be born and live most of His days, to have servants that provided for His every need. Born in a humble stable, to a young unwed girl, Jesus entered this world as King of kings, but never fought for power, rather, He became a servant and humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death. His desire was only to do the will of His Father and, because of His humility and example, He was highly exalted by His Father.
The Bible reminds us that one day at His name every knee will bow. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords who came to die so we might live eternally with Him. And, unlike earthly kings, He shall reign in His kingdom forever and ever. Jesus was born not just as King, but to be the King of Glory.
Dear Lord, all majesty and praise we offer to Jesus, who was born as King, our Messiah, and who came to die so we might live forever with Him in heaven. As we live each day here on earth, may we commit to worship Him as our humble King, and serve others as He served. We pray in the majestic name of Jesus. Amen.
~ painting by Beverly Gurganus