Luke 2:14
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

“After visiting Jesus’ birthplace in 1865, Phillips Brooks penned his great carol, ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem,’ and it is a treasury of quietness: ‘How still we see thee lie,’ ‘The silent stars go by,’ and then ‘How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is giv’n.’ A medieval tradition suggests that when Jesus was born a hush fell over all the earth for a full hour; even dogs did not bark.
Silence—a stranger we may have met but have since forgotten, neglected, or avoided. We have grown accustomed to so much racket! Maybe we prefer the noise; perhaps we fear that silence might blow through our hollow souls like a chill wind. But the wind might prove to be the Spirit of God—and God is a lover of silence.
In that little town of Bethlehem, lying so still, silent stars lingering over sleeping mortals, the wondrous gift of God’s own self was given. Some despair saying, ‘I can’t hear God saying anything to me.’ But silence is God’s language. The silence is God’s wish for peace in our souls and in the world.”
As we celebrate the coming of God’s Greatest Gift, many are wishing for peace in their hearts, lives, homes, and world. Maybe what we really need is “silence” to hear Jesus speak peace over our souls this Christmas.
Lord, encourage us to incline our ears to hear Your still, small voice, that speaks the language of peace to our anxious hearts. We acknowledge that the other part of that is to actually listen, embracing the silence and peace it provides. We pray in the name of Jesus, the One Who has reminded us in the Advent season that He came to provide the Way to Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Amen.
Portions of the above are taken from, Why This Jubilee? by James C. Howell.
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