Psalm 127:3-5
“Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”
Proverbs 14:26
“Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.”

A very clever television ad created by an office supply retailer has been a regular August feature for the last few years. The words to their jingle, “It’s the most wonderful time of year” offer confusion at first with many thinking, “Surely, they aren’t advertising for Christmas already!” Of course not; it’s for “Back to School!”
For decades, the tradition of sending kids back to school was reserved for the day after Labor Day. It makes me sad that so many schools start much earlier these days, including those in our area, which began last week. For too many families it means reduced, much-needed downtime to relax, restore, and embrace the many joys of a carefree summer. So, “Back to School” they go. For many parents today, it means they may be sending their children into an environment that causes little ones to have a sense of insecurity, fear, and trepidation. Parents make sure their kids are prepared physically for the start of a new year with school supplies, new shoes, and clothes. But it is even more important to make sure they are spiritually prepared by beseeching the Lord in prayer on their behalf. Parents and grandparents, join me, as we lift up these precious ones to the Lord.
Dear Father, today we bring to You prayers for our children and grandchildren who are returning to school. We are reminded that we are to fear the Lord, and our scripture today says that by fearing You we have a secure fortress that provides a refuge for our children. Oh, that our children would always seek refuge in Your fortress, Lord! We ask that You draw our children to come to a knowledge of Jesus as Savior and embrace Him as Lord, their stronghold. We never want them to seek security anywhere else.
We pray for their safety in school—emotional, physical, and spiritual—as they venture out into their respective institutions of learning where we are not able to physically watch over them. Keep the evil one at bay and help them depend on You to guard them and the Holy Spirit’s discernment to guide them. Give them wisdom in all Truth to make the right choices and avoid temptation. Help them to depend on You for their self-confidence and not on what the world tells them. We pray for them to have positive friendships and mentors who model godliness and point them to the Light.
We know from our own experiences that struggles and hardships are a part of life and so we ask that they would, by faith, seek Your help to overcome every trial. Help them, O God, to pray for their enemies, even those who speak ill, tell lies, or bully them. Comfort them when they are hurt, mistreated, or brokenhearted, and give us words to convey understanding and mercy. May they make new friends easily and be assigned teachers who are diligent, thoughtful, insightful, and full of integrity.
We ask that You would give them a love of learning in the areas of science, math and literature, geography, and world history, as well as America’s own rich history. May they be instilled with a love for our nation with its heritage and heroes, and inspired to serve our country, whether in local, state, or national service.
Thank you, Lord, that we don’t have to travel this child-raising road alone, that You are with us in this calling. Though rearing and educating them can be our biggest challenge, children are our greatest gifts from You. May we remain faithful to the calling and may they bring glory and honor to You. In your gracious Name we pray, Amen.
~ painting via Corinne Hartley