Day 109: Patterns of Prayer ~ Life Lessons on Having a Meaningful Prayer Life, Part Three: Confession

Psalm 66:18-19
“If I had cherished sin in my heart the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, which takes place in the Puritan town of Boston in 1642, tells the story a young woman, Hester Prynne, who has been found guilty of adultery. She is required to wear a scarlet “A” on her dress, a symbol of her standing as an adulteress even though she has repented and desires only to create a new life with her illegitimate daughter. What would life be like for us if we were required to wear a letter or sign depicting our sins, for all the world to see: Prideful, Adulterer, Glutton, Coveter, Liar, Cheater, Thief, Gossip, Blasphemer? We’d be too ashamed and afraid to leave our house!

Today’s focus is on “Confession” and the importance of this life lesson in our pattern of prayer. Sin is not a very popular subject these days as many in our culture argue against moral absolutes and tend to “do what is right in their own eyes” as was the case in Judges 17:6. I love this quote from author and Bible study teacher, Nancy Kennedy, “Let’s just say when you ask God to show you your sin—the one you hate as much as He does—it rarely involves a tap on the shoulder and a hand-written note on scented Victorian stationery.” In reality, we need to take an honest look at sin and agree with the Father’s view—God hates it.

We know from Adam and Eve’s experience in the garden that their disobedience separated them from fellowship with God and passed down to humankind a condition of sin that eternally separates us from Him until we place our faith in His Son, Jesus. When our personal sins still entangle us, they cause our fellowship with God to be broken and they stand in the way of God’s answers to prayer and to our having a meaningful prayer life. Confession should be immediate when we are convicted of sin; there is no need for any intermediary except for Jesus, and there is no need to wait until Sunday!

Each day as we enter into prayer, let us ask God to reveal anything hidden that displeases Him. Let us check our motives and ask God to reveal any selfish desires. Perhaps we have unforgiveness towards someone. Remember, confession is agreeing with the Father. Thanks be to God that when we confess our sins He forgives, forgets, doesn’t keep a record and doesn’t require us to wear an embarrassing sign!

Father God, we raise our praises to You, the One who desires true fellowship with us, the One Who loves us beyond measure and is eagerly waiting to spend time with us. Reveal to us anything that would separate us from You and please hear our confessions. Restore us to right relationship with You so that Your ear is inclined towards us. Hear our prayers, O God. In Jesus name, Amen.

~ painting by František Dvořák