Day 301: Are You Coming?

Matthew 6:6
“But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”

Harry was a dachshund/terrier mix who came into our home as a rescue after the passing of our much-loved dachshund, “W.B.” As it turned out Harry was not the only one who needed to be rescued—besides losing my little buddy I was also suffering from a lingering virus and was feeling pretty low. Harry’s lively spirit and boundless energy rescued me from sadness and grief. This tangled mess of black and tan fur quickly demonstrated his longing to be with someone who would lavish love and attention on him and, in return, he showed the same devotion to me, his new owner. For twelve years he was my constant companion, even sitting next to me each morning in our sunroom as I gathered my Bible and prayer journal to spend time with the Lord. One day, the morning routine got away from me and I had missed my devotional time. Glancing over at the door to the sunroom, there sat Harry, my little accountability partner, looking at me, as if to say, “Are you coming?”

Isn’t that the way the Lord is with us? If He stood in the flesh at the door of our prayer closet, how would we respond? He longs to have fellowship with us, to spend time with us in His Word and in prayer. He stands at the door to our hearts, waiting patiently. “Are you coming?”

Father in Heaven, Keeper of our hearts, help us to have a sense of how very much You yearn for fellowship with us. May our answer always be, “Yes, Lord, I am coming.” In Your name, Amen.