A Season of Hope ~ Preparing Our Hearts for Easter
Psalm 51:10
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
Today marks the first full day of Spring and is typically the time of year when the Cherry Blossoms begin to make their glorious appearance on the trees that surround the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC. Countless “peepers” come hundreds of miles and even from other countries to see the tiny, delicate pink blossoms in all their splendor. One particular year stands out in my memory. While on a visit to see the trees in all their glory, our daughter and future son-in-law, who had only been on a few dates, realized for the first time that they had fallen in love. It was as if God had given them fresh eyes to see that they were meant for each other.
Spring’s arrival often spurs us to freshen things up and to do a good, thorough house cleaning. It’s essential to have good lighting to see where the dirt and dust may be hiding from our view. So often we miss what is right in front of our eyes. One morning, with the blinds closed and the sun on the other side of the house, I noticed that my nightstand looked perfectly clean as I tidied up a bit. But later in the day, with the late afternoon sun streaming in through the windows, a coating of snow-like white dust that had been invisible that morning was no longer hidden from view. It was past time for a good cleaning!
Perhaps our hearts are in need of a good “spiritual Spring cleaning.” This Lenten season we’ve been focusing on preparing our hearts for His coming by asking the Lord to open our hearts, to shine a light on anything that separates us from Him. Brighter light may reveal some habits or emotions that need purging. Perhaps there are some sinful attitudes we are holding onto that result in feelings of discontent or criticism. These attitudes can cause us to make destructive comments or spread gossip. In acknowledging harmful, dingy attitudes and habits, God is faithful to forgive and create in us a clean heart, making it new again.
Noted theologian and author, Peter Marshall once wrote, “Bird and blossom seem to tell us of the possibility of new life for our own souls. This Spring day speaks to us of beginning again, of new beauty that can come to reburnish our own barren lives.” After the barrenness of Winter, a good, spiritual Spring cleaning will enable us to have a fresh view of just how much God loves us that would cause us to be patient and self-controlled, to be at peace, and to love others and show kindness, in His name. May He give us fresh eyes to see clearly and fresh ears that are attuned to hearing His still, small voice in a fresh way.
Father in Heaven, today on this first day of Spring, open our eyes to the beauty around us, that everything made and created by You is for Your pleasure and ours. Forgive us for the dinginess that has settled in our hearts, that clouds that beauty, causing us to miss Your blessings. Create in us new hearts and may that transformation begin now in this Lenten season. In the name of Jesus, who is our Light. Amen.
painting by Elizabeth Janus