John 14: 1-3
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”

As my husband and I walked through the church doors having been absent for four weeks on vacation, the greeter’s face lit up as she saw us, her arms outstretched, and she then exclaimed, “Welcome Home!” enveloping me with a huge hug. It was, indeed, a fitting greeting as toward the end of a memorable trip I had developed a nasty ear infection with vertigo. To be able to walk unassisted through the doors after a speedy recovery was quite remarkable. I was overjoyed to be welcomed back into the warm, loving arms of our church home.
Nine days earlier, arriving at our house after a very long drive, the front door was quickly unlocked for me. I carefully stepped through and managed to climb, with assistance, the staircase to our bedroom where I collapsed on our bed, dissolving into tears. I was home. The place where I felt safe, secure, and cared for declared, “Welcome Home!”
Fifty-one years ago, there was a day I opened another door, the door to my heart and trusted Jesus with my life, accepting His sacrifice on the cross and acknowledging my need for forgiveness. He welcomed me into salvation, by grace. After years of wandering, floundering, and seeking my own way, God whispered to me, “It’s time to come Home,” and I accepted His invitation. Though I deserved death, with open, forgiving arms, He reached out to welcome me as His daughter, and proclaimed, “Welcome Home, Daughter, I’ve been waiting for you!” Jesus as my Home offers perfect security in His love. He offers hope and peace in a world of turmoil. He provides for all my needs, even in adversity.
When my life here on earth comes to an end, Jesus’ promise in today’s scripture speaks of another home that has been prepared for me, another sort of welcome. A glorious, permanent, eternal home awaits me. And again, Jesus will be there, with the words, “Welcome Home, Daughter, My good and faithful servant.”
Dear reader, where is your home?
Father in heaven, we praise You for providing us a way to be Home with You in this life here on earth, through faith in Your Son, Jesus. We praise You for the safety and security we are promised as we abide with You. We cling to the assurance that one day You will welcome us into the final home that You have prepared for us, and will be there to greet us with, “Welcome Home, I’ve been waiting for you!” Thank you, Lord! Amen.