“We thank Thee, O Lord, for a Sabbath of Rest”

We thank Thee, O Lord, for a Sabbath of rest;
A day of all others the brightest and best;
A day that observed and respected should be,—
‘Twas made for Thy worship, ‘tis sacred to Thee.
Remember the Sabbath, thro’out our broad land;
Remember the Sabbath, ‘tis God’s own command;
Transmitted from Sinai, in language divine;—
“Six days shalt thou labor, the Sabbath is mine.”
Our fathers rejoic’d in Thy Sabbath, O Lord;
They walk’d in Thy counsels, believed in Thy word;
They clung to the Bible, their staff and their guide,
And, trusting Thy promise, in triumph they died.
We thank Thee, O Lord, for a Sabbath of rest;
A day that so richly Thy presence hath blest;
A day when our vigor and strength, we renew,
While onward, and upward, our path we pursue.
And when the last Sabbath shall fade from our sight,
Prepare us to enter the mansions of light;
And there, with the just and the faithful to spend
A Sabbath in glory, that never shall end.
-lyrics by Fanny Crosby
~ painting by Nicky Boehme