Preparing Our Hearts for Easter ~ Devotions for Lent

Day 22: The Secret to Success

Mark 12:30-31
“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.’”

Opening the front door of our new home, there he was, a young man with a spray bottle. Before I had a chance to say, “No, thank you,” he began his pitch about the wonder product that would clean every single surface in my home. Then, to my surprise, he switched gears and asked, “Ma’am, what do think is the secret to success?” Now, he probably thought my answer would be a nice house, a new car, great job, smart investments or children who are making it on their own. The stunned look on his face was priceless as he listened to my response, “To love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind and to love my neighbor as myself.” His entire demeanor changed as he spoke of his mama who always took him to church and that he really needed to start going again. And then he turned and went on his way.

I can look back at that experience from over twenty-five years ago and say that it was what is called a “pivotal moment”— a time when I shifted direction and was able to identify the possibility of a new adventure ahead, a time when God would show me new ways to serve Him with the above verse as a “mission statement.” Looking out the doorway at the homes circling the cul-de-sac and those beyond, I prayed that the Lord would give me a clear vision of how to share the love of Christ with the people living behind those doors. And it all began with a simple question and a Bible verse.

How can we love God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves? It’s pretty clear that both statements from this passage in Mark are commands of Jesus, which means we must take them seriously. We can start the day by praying that our hearts would be turned towards God, expressing how much we love Him and then setting our hearts, mind, will, emotions and strength on the path He directs us to go. Next, pray that God would provide opportunities and creative ways to love your neighbors in word and in deed, using your gifts and talents to sow the seeds of kindness and love: welcoming a new family into the neighborhood, inviting them into your home for a casual dinner, providing meals when there is a need, offering to take care of a child, running an errand, checking their house when they are away or picking up mail, shoveling snow or helping with a repair. Doing something “just because” as an act of love means a lot. And the greatest expression of all is sharing a word of encouragement and offering to pray when you sense there is a need. Loving God and loving others truly is the secret to success.

Dear Heavenly Father, please cause us to love You more today than we did yesterday. Encourage us in this Lenten season to start each day in expressing how much we love You. Help us to have a renewed desire to be in Your will, which includes reaching out to those around us. May our hearts, souls, minds, and strength be fully yielded to You this day and every day. In Your name we pray. Amen.

~ painting, “Early Spring” by Diana Card