Day 57: Overcoming the Darkness

Lent, a Season of Hope: Preparing Our Hearts for Easter,
Day 10

Matthew 4:16:
“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

When bad rain and windstorms come through that wreak havoc on electric companies, we often experience a sense of relief and even joy when power is restored after a prolonged outage. From pitch darkness to suddenly being thrown into a great light can be jarring but also thrilling.

So many people in our nation live in darkness every day—spiritual darkness. They’ve lived with it so long they have become accustomed to it, the lack of light. Many live in the “land of the shadow of death,” unaware that salvation and light are available, through Christ.

Our nation seems shrouded in darkness and hate, fear and hopelessness. Jesus is the only One who can bring Light into this darkness. Those of us who have trusted in Jesus for our salvation know that the instant we invited Him into our darkened, hopeless lives, His Light dawned and has never been extinguished. We no longer live in the shadow—or fear—of death. Hate has been replaced with love. May our hearts be reminded and renewed during this Lenten season of the light that brings hope to the darkness around us, and may our actions be a reflection of that Light.

Lord God, we pray that those who desperately need Your light, and your hope, reach out for You. Use us to be instruments that bring the message of that hope and light to a lost world. And we ask for You to bring new life and light to our nation that so desperately needs You. In the redeeming name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” — Martin Luther King,