Day 92: Good Friday ~ We Have a Problem

Lent, a Season of Hope: Preparing our Hearts for Easter, Day 46

Romans 5:8
“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

“Houston we have a problem.” Fifty-six hours into their mission to the moon, the Apollo 13 crew sent a message to Mission Control in Houston informing them that there had been an explosion on board. For the next three days, people all over the world were riveted to their televisions, watching and praying that the crew would make it safely back to earth. As far as Mission Control was concerned, failure was not an option. Nor was rescue an option. Due to the heroic efforts of the flight crew and the brilliant problem solvers on the ground in Houston, the men of Apollo 13 conquered the challenges and touched down safely on April 17, 1970.

We here on earth also have a problem, a sin problem. Unlike the amazing work of the crew and team on the ground to provide a safe landing for Apollo 13, we are unable to overcome our sin problem through our own efforts. We cannot save ourselves. As far as Jesus was concerned, failure to follow His Father’s plan for Him to die for our sins was not an option. And rescue from our sins through His death is our only option. This Lenten season, I trust you have sensed that God has been preparing your heart—to renew, to recommit, to receive. Without Him we …

…are lost
…are dust
…are prisoners
…are broken
…live in darkness and fear
…live without hope

With Him we…
…are found
…are redeemed by grace through faith
…are free from the chains of sin
…have peace with God and the peace of God
…are born into a new life
…have assurance of eternal life

Christ went to the Cross and rescued us, conquering death and paying a debt He didn’t owe. He did that for you and for me. Thank you, Jesus for loving us that much.

Father in heaven, we bow our heads and hearts in humble praise for your plan to reconcile us to You. We thank You that each of our names was on Jesus’ mind when He died to accomplish what we can not do on our own. May we never take for granted this eternal gift and may we live and serve Him daily with renewed faith, love, peace and joy. For His sake we pray. Amen.

~ painting, “The Raising of the Cross” by Reubens