Day 26: No Greater Love, Part II ~ A Secure Friendship

1 Corinthians 3: 10-11
“According to the grace of God, which was given to me, like a wise master builder, I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

The orders from the Navy sending us to England for exchange duty with the Royal Navy gave us only two weeks to pack up our family’s belongings, find a new home for our little dachshund, say our goodbyes to friends and family, and fly into the great unknown. As brand new Christians, we were leaving behind an invaluable support system of friends who had helped to guide our first baby steps of faith. With a limited amount of time to prepare, we knew little what to expect, where we would live and if anyone would be there to greet us and give us some direction. By God’s gracious care, we were met by another Navy friend, Bill, also on exchange who, along with his wife, Marty, were Christians and more than eager to help us get settled in right next door to them! During those years, Marty offered me friendship, discipleship and mentoring built upon a shared, secure foundation.

Any friendship is only as good as its foundation. Before becoming the type of friend God desires us to be, we must have a secure foundation on Jesus Christ. God had specific laws for building solid structures that also apply to building solid relationships. Our scripture passage for today reminds us that, “Each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

We live in a fallen world as a result of sin entering the world through Adam and Eve. The breach caused by sin hurt their relationship as man and wife as well as their relationship with their Father God. That same sin brought mistrust, greed, betrayal, resentment, and fear which has created a chasm between human beings ever since. But, there is Good News! Built into the foundation of the world was the Cross of Christ—a BRIDGE—that gives us a way back to the faithful, unconditional love of God. When we build our relationships and our friendships, on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, they tend to be more safe and secure. Friendships can reap wonderful blessings but the surest friendship we have can only be found in Jesus! ~

May this beautiful song by Charles Wesley be our prayer today:

Jesus, my Savior, Brother, Friend,
On whom I cast my every care,
On whom for all things I depend,
Inspire, and then accept my prayer.

If I have tasted of Thy grace,
The grace that sure salvation brings;
If with me now Thy Spirit stays,
And hov’ring hides me in His wings.

Still let Him with my weakness stay,
Nor for a moment’s space depart;
Evil and danger turn away,
And keep, till He renews my heart.

When to the right or left I stray,
His voice behind me may I hear,
“Return, and walk in Christ Thy way,
Fly back to Christ, for sin is near.”

Jesus, I fain would walk in Thee,
From nature’s every path retreat;
Thou art my way, my leader be,
And set upon the rock my feet.

Uphold me, Savior, or I fall;
O reach me out Thy gracious hand:
Only on Thee for help I call;
Only by faith in Thee I stand. Amen