Day 298: 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation ~ Day 31 Pray for Pastors of our Nation’s Churches

1 Peter 5: 2-3:
“Shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but freely, according to God’s will; not for the money but eagerly; not lording it over those entrusted to You but being examples to the flock.”

Father God, in the name of Jesus, we lift up prayers for all pastors in your churches across this great nation, who have been called to serve and to preach the Gospel. We ask firstly that You would call and raise up godly persons of vision, purpose, and integrity, who have the ability to unify, rally and shepherd those in their local body who are in their charge. By their upright lives and effective witness may they reflect Christ and testify to their congregation of the power of Christ to use His Body of believers to impact the world. save the lost who are seeking Truth, hope and peace in their lives. seek after Him.

Give each one, we ask, the ability to make Your Gospel plain and clear, inspiring those who hear the Truth to seek a deep and abiding relationship with You, the Father of all, and your Son, Jesus Christ.

Lord, give our pastors a voice and the courage to speak to the conscience of our nation, without restraint from within or outside the church. May they not only influence every believer, but may they also influence those who have not yet come to know You as Savior and Lord. And may their words be used to inspire and motivate this generation, the next, and even our whole nation. Let them not be silent like lambs, but loud like lions! To the glory of God, we pray. Amen.

“There is a famine of great preaching, a famine of strong expository preaching, a famine of conscience-stirring preaching, a famine of heartbreaking preaching, a famine of soul-tearing preaching, a famine of that preaching like our father knew which kept men awake all night lest they fall into hell. I repeat, “There is a famine of the Word of the Lord.” ~ Leonard Ravenhill.