Day 6: Pivotal Moments, Part Three: Enlarge My Territory

1 Chronicles 4:10
“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.”

This obscure, Old Testament verse, known as “The Prayer of Jabez” took the Christian world by storm when Bruce Wilkinson’s book of the same name hit bookstores in 2000. There were some who presumed upon God by taking it to the extreme in hopes of securing the Lord’s favor to make it big in business and investments. There were others who spoke this simple, heartfelt prayer to ask the Lord’s favor on their lives, their health, finances, and Gospel outreach opportunities.

After praying this prayer faithfully for a period of years, the answers I received were remarkable and I am still reaping the blessings to this day. Mind you, the Lord in His sovereignty answered in a way that didn’t always make me happy! The answers came in two ways. First, the negative: I have not been free of pain, emotionally or physically, experiencing my share of both over the last twenty years. Second, the positive: it is undeniable how God’s hand has been upon me in “expanding my territory.” From the year 2000—actually going back to 1997— during which time we lived in two neighborhoods— countless people have been impacted by the Gospel. With my tea business, hundreds of people who were guests in our home have sensed the love of Christ. During the period that I had three online shops and now with thousands of followers on six Facebook pages, I’ve made connections with people all over the world, offering them the sweet scent of the fragrance of Christ.

Now, having embarked on this journey of writing the last two years, I pray that I might reach an even larger audience, to share about the God Who loves and cares about us beyond what we can even imagine. How He longs to hear our pleas, no matter how small, no matter how big! What are we holding onto that we think is too small for God to be bothered with? What have we been burdened about but haven’t the faith to believe God can and will answer? He is a BIG God, dear readers! He is ready to hear and ready to answer!

Father in Heaven, we lift up our requests to You today in faith believing that You are a mighty God Who always answers. We acknowledge that You sometimes answer “yes,” sometimes “no” and sometimes “wait.” We trust You for the result knowing it is part of Your plan and ultimately for our good. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.