Day 220: No Greater Love, Part Seven ~ A Friendship That Reaches Out

1 Peter 3:15
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…”

The last few days the focus of our devotions has been on friendships. We’ve seen how love as the foundation allows friendships

• to be secure
• to offer forgiveness that gives grace to thrive
• to provide shelter in the storms of life
• to be an encouragement that helps in running the race
• to show faithfulness that is there even in tough times

Now, let’s look at the sixth and final point: a Friendship That Reaches Out. For many of you this may be the hardest one, the one where you ask, “Me? Reach out to the unbeliever? I don’t know my Bible verses well enough. That’s the pastor’s job.” Often those who are most passionate about bringing others to Christ are new believers. When I was a new Christian, I couldn’t wait to share my new-found faith with anyone who would listen. As the years went by, as I became more comfortable in my faith and started getting involved in serving within the church, I lost some of the drive to share that faith. I became more focused on using my spiritual gifts to minister within the church. Eventually, God taught me how to use my spiritual gifts and talents to reach out to the unbeliever:

• by organizing Bible studies in my neighborhood, many had the chance to hear the Good News where otherwise they wouldn’t.
• by offering cooking, tea, and hospitality classes in my home, young women learned about Christian hospitality rather than following the world’s model of entertaining.
• by taking a meal to a new mom, or cookies and tea to a new neighbor, opportunities were opened to ask them if they were looking for a church, or interested in a neighborhood Bible study.
• by setting up a lunch date with a seeking friend, opportunities opened up where spiritual questions could be asked and answered.
• by inviting folks to a women’s or men’s seminar, a Christian concert, or Christmas Eve Service, many were exposed to the Christian experience that led to meaningful conversations.
• by opening up a discussion about the series, “The Chosen;” to offer to share DVDs or invite someone over for “dinner and a movie” night to watch an episode or two.

It’s Important for us to take seriously the awesome responsibility we have as Christian men and women to reach out to the lost and tell others the Good News of the gospel of Christ, “with gentleness and respect” as our scripture verse for today reminds us. What does it take? LOVE. Simply love. It’s giving our lives, our time, our agenda, and our responsibilities over to God and allowing Him to use our lives in the lives of others. When asked what is the greatest commandment, Christ answered, “To love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.” Our love for our friends is the greatest expression of God’s love—and there is No Greater Love.

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons You have taught us about Your perfect love that, through us, can reach to the hearts of our friends. With Jesus as our model, help us to extend love that is secure, forgiving, safe, encouraging and faithful. If there is someone we know who needs to hear the Good News, please provide an opportunity for us to reach out and share the love of Jesus. For Your sake and in Your name, Amen.

~ painting by Tricia Robinson