Day 208: Patterns of Prayer ~ Life Lessons on Having a Meaningful Prayer Life Part Two: Adoration

Psalm 145: 1-2
“I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise your name forever and ever.
Every day I will praise you
and extol your name forever and ever.”

A depressed feeling had settled in my heart and I was having a hard time moving forward after receiving some shocking news that had knocked me off of my spiritual footing. I followed through with my plan for the day but my heart wasn’t in it. At the time I still shopped for a month’s worth of groceries at the military commissary which was 45 minutes away from home so it was going to be a long day. To get my mind off my troubles, I put on some Christian music in the car, turning it up loud so that perhaps the sad thoughts would be drowned out. One of my favorites—and this is really dating me— “Praise the Lord,” by the Imperials started to play and I sang along:

“Praise the Lord.
He can work through those who praise Him,
Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise.
Praise the Lord, for the chains that seem to bind you
serve only to remind you that they fall powerless behind you
when you praise Him.”

The most amazing thing happened during the drive. God’s presence became evident to me in the car. As I sang the words, “…for our God inhabits praise…” that’s exactly what He did—He joined me as I praised Him. Psalm 22:3 in the KJV says it best, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” My heart was lifted; my trust in our sovereign God was renewed and He assured me all would be well.

Offering our adoration and praise to God is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Sometimes it feels like a duty, something performed at the beginning of prayer. But, with a greater understanding of what the benefits are, praise and adoration can become a natural overflow of inward joy and love that we have for Christ. So why do we praise? First, because He deserves it and He is worthy. Second, He comes into our presence when we praise. Third, praise is our best weapon against Satan. We are showing the evil one and every principality, every power and every heavenly host that our great God is the only One worthy of our praise and adoration. Praise Him always—in ordinary days, in times of triumph on the mountain top and even in times of sorrow and trial in the valley.

• Who is to praise God? All of God’s people and all of creation (Ps. 145; 4,5, Is. 55:12)
• Where do we praise God? Right where we are (Ps. 96:3)
• How do we praise God? Through words and music
(Ps 33:103)
• When do we praise God? At all times (Ps. 34:1)
• What do we praise God for? For His greatness (Rev. 5:12)
(excerpt from the Women’s Study Bible, KJV)

As we begin praying today, let us praise and adore Him, the One worthy of our praise, and He will come into our presence to hear us. May Psalm 150 be our prayer of praise today. To God be the glory!

“Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with tambourine and dancing,
praise him with the strings and flute,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.” Amen.