Day 83: We Are Called

Lent, a Season of Hope: Preparing Our Hearts for Easter, Day 37

2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,”

Our neighborhood Stonecroft Bible Studies had grown so much that the need arose for a coordinator. Despite the fact that I was relatively new to the neighborhood and to the studies, I had been asked to lead a group of ladies the previous fall but hesitated to raise my hand to volunteer as the coordinator for all six study groups. We adjourned without making any decision. The next morning during my quiet time, this is what I wrote in my prayer journal: “Lord, I know I am equipped to do it, and You placed the desire in my heart to impact the lives of these women, but I just don’t know if this huge commitment is what you have in mind. If it is, You are going to have to direct them to ask me.“ Within days our county’s area coordinator called to ask me if I would be willing to pray about becoming the coordinator. “Mary, I can give you an affirmative answer right now because I’ve already prayed about it and am now confident in God’s answer.”

Don’t you wish all answers came that quickly and directly? Yeah, me, too! Thinking about it, though, it was actually all part of a plan that the Lord had set in motion three years prior when we began praying about God directing us to a new neighborhood where we could be used to have an impact for the sake of Christ. Buying the house in this new neighborhood was a realization of the first part of His plan and purpose; the phone call finalized the deal that led to our being used by God to share the love of God to countless men and women.

Sometimes it’s hard to fully grasp how powerful this connection is, this relationship with our heavenly Father, Who loves us and Whose plan it is to fulfill the purposes for which we were called. His call is not owing to our deeds, it is owing to His purpose. When Jesus enlisted his disciples His invitation, was simple, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” He was calling them not for what they had done but for His purposes. In Proverbs, we find this: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” Perhaps you have been seeking direction, what to do next in serving the Lord. Today, won’t you humbly trust Him for His purpose for your life and answer the call?

Father in heaven, we often try to get ahead of you, acting on our own desires, based on how we feel rather than waiting in faith. Lord, never let us get ahead of You, taking what is good rather than waiting for what is best—Your best. We pray that we would have the courage to be obedient in whatever God is calling us to. As the Psalmist said, “O, that today we would listen to His voice.” In trust we wait for Your call, O God, and it’s in Your name we pray. Amen.

~ painting by Diana Card