Day 10: Winter Winds

Isaiah 55:10-11:
“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed
for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is My Word that goes out from My mouth:
It will not return to Me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

The instant it caught my eye I knew it would be mine, the painting of the little cardinal on the teacup, bracing against a snowstorm. It made me chuckle as it brought to mind my husband of over 55 years with his unique sense of humor who often sees things differently than I. One of his favorite sayings when we can’t come to an agreement on something is, “Well, let’s look at it this way,“ and tilts his head like the bird pictured below. This makes me laugh every single time.

The bird in the painting also illustrates another great principle—leaning into the wind. Those who fly airplanes say that one of the first rules they learn about flying is to turn towards the wind and fly against it as the wind lifts the plane up to higher heights. From where did the first aviators get this understanding? From watching birds! If a bird is flying for pleasure, it goes with the wind but, if the bird senses it is meeting danger, it turns right around and faces the wind, allowing it to rise higher to fly towards the sun.

What a wonderful application for us when we encounter challenges in our lives—face them and look to the Son. Today many are facing “winter winds” of worry and even despair brought on by the coronavirus, financial distress, lost opportunities, and strained relationships. Our country is also facing extraordinary “winter winds” of change that concern many of us on many levels. The Lord’s counsel to us would be to have confidence in His strong, controlled winds that will take us to higher spiritual heights with a keener sense of His presence, an opportunity for greater learning, listening, and creativity. He will achieve His purposes for which He sent it. But, dear readers, it will require that we hang on for the ride!

Father in Heaven, we don’t always understand what Your plans and purposes are for the challenges we face today. Sometimes we are afraid. We hurt. We cry. But, we look to You for answers, O God. Help us to sense Your presence and peace today as we wait and trust. In the power of Jesus name, Amen.
~ mgr©copyright 2022

~ painting by 4WitsEnd