2 Corinthians 5:7
“For we live by faith and not by sight.”

Every New Year’s Eve, millions of people from all over the world tune in to watch the festivities in New York City’s Times Square as the Waterford crystal ball descends 141 feet down a flag pole in what has been dubbed, “the ball drop.” To the delight of millions of cheering, hugging, kissing and singing human beings, the ball slowly makes its way down and at the appointed time of Midnight we herald in another New Year. There is no doubt there was a collective sigh of relief for many as we bid adieu to 2024, another very challenging year for many and life-altering for others.
Our annual New Year’s Eve intentions for the new year are aptly described in a B.C. Comic strip I came across a few years ago. In the first panel a character says, “We usher in the new year with good intentions and heartfelt wishes.” In the last panel, another character says, “We drop a giant ball and hope for the best.“ For many, that is how they go through their entire life—with good intentions and wishes, hoping for the best when the big ball is dropped. For believers, our hope is in the Lord, the One who has His best in mind for us. We live by faith in the living God, not by sight.
At the beginning of a New Year, folks make resolutions to change behaviors or improve their lives: exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, pray more, read the Bible more, get up earlier, work harder, read more books, save more money, travel more and the list goes on. How many times have we made a resolution only to get to the point where it is too hard, no longer fun or we forget—we drop the ball and just hope for the best. I stopped making resolutions long ago but I do set goals and, more importantly, make a prayer list. Some of the prayers are the following: for personal growth and wisdom in God’s Word, for spiritual growth, for better habits that lead to good health, and the same for my husband. I also pray for God’s favor upon our daughters and their families, for those we know who need Jesus, for our church family and those in leadership to have wisdom from above, for conflicts and strife in our country and abroad to cease, for America to return to Godly principles, and for the Lord to show me how I can reflect Christ through my devotional writings, social media and in my relationships. How much more beneficial it is to offer our prayers for the New Year to the Lord, with full assurance that we are placing our faith and trust in the One who will never drop the ball!
Heavenly Father, we praise You for how You have brought us through another year, with so many challenges, disunity and conflict. Despite hardships for many, suffering and grieving for others, we hold onto the promise that You make all things new. And so we pray that this New Year would offer a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning. Help us to walk by faith, keeping our eyes on You rather than our circumstances. Remind us that everything we encounter is first sifted through Your sovereign hands. We offer this year to You that we may love, honor, and serve You and others. May You be glorified! In Your holy name we pray. Amen.
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