Day 230: Rising Higher and Straighter

Ecclesiastes 4:9
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.”

Scones have practically become a staple in our family and the extra pounds we all carry may be attributed in part to the multitude we have consumed. Since starting the tea business in 1997, I have probably baked hundreds if not thousands of them, all different varieties. One of the tips to getting a “good rise” is making sure the ingredients are fresh and placing the cut scones close together on the baking pan. Having them close, but not touching, enables them to rise higher and straighter, bake more evenly, and come out with soft sides and crispy tops. What a great picture for the Christian life—when we stick close to one another we will finish higher and straighter!

Solomon’s teaching from Ecclesiastes encourages us that when two or more work together for a common purpose they will have a good return for their labor. Doing most things by ourselves can be hard and sometimes overwhelming so why not have a partner who can help us finish sooner with a better result in the end? The writer is illustrating that things work out much better with a fruitful result when we allow the close cooperation of others. That goes for the family, friends, church, neighborhoods, communities and the work environment. Here are some points about why two are better than one:

• Because companionship is better than isolation
• Because we find more satisfaction when a job is well done
• Because we have someone to share in the joy of our labor
• Because when we are weak, the other can hold us up
• Because we keep each other accountable
• Because two cannot be easily torn apart
• Because we might see things differently through another’s lens and experiences

I believe that goes for prayer as well. Now more than ever we need to be in prayer for our families, friends, neighbors, our churches, schools, and our nation. Perhaps you might consider joining with one or two others to pray on a regular basis. But, by all and any means, pray!

Dear Father, Your instruction for us today is a helpful reminder of how we need other people to experience a more fruitful life. How much more we need Jesus who said in John 15:5, “I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” As we go about our day, remind us to call upon the Holy Spirit’s power to enable us to do what we cannot do on our own. Also, help us recognize that there are times when we need help to do a better job. Let us not be too prideful to ask for either. In Your name we pray. Amen.

~ painting by Daniel Ridgway Knight