
“Have Compassion, Lord, on Me”





O my Savior, I am weary!
Let my cry to Thee ascend
While in humble supplication
Now before Thy throne I bend!

Weak and helpless, yet believing,
Casting all my care on Thee,
I am hoping, trusting, praying;
Have compassion, Lord, on me!

O my Savior, tho’ unworthy,
I have nowhere else to go;
Thou canst pardon my transgressions,
Thou canst wash me white as snow!

O my Savior, by Thy Spirit
Thou hast called me o’er and o’er;
Now repentant I am coming;
Lord, my wand’ring soul restore!

O my Savior, do not leave me
Here to perish at Thy throne;
In Thy tender, loving mercy
Cleanse and make me all Thine own!

~ lyrics by Fanny Crosby