Isaiah 61:10
“I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”

When our eldest daughter was preparing to get married I got suckered into watching two programs—“Say ‘Yes’ to the Dress” and “Bridezilla”— both showing the worst side of brides as they prepare for their big day: shopping for a dress, a wedding cake, flowers, and a reception venue. One thing that struck me is that the brides look pretty ordinary—even frumpy—until the big event approaches. When the day arrives, extra pounds have melted off, hair has been coiffed, nails perfectly manicured, the princess gown has been zipped, and the bride makes her way to the long-anticipated ceremony, ready to walk down the aisle to say, “I do.” Miraculously, as if a fairy godmother has waved a magic wand, the bride looks completely different from the way she looked weeks before. No wonder the groom has a look of complete shock at her entrance!
In a spiritual sense, some of you ( and this includes everyone: men and women) are like the “bride-to-be.” You’ve been through a dating process of sorts, getting to know who Jesus is, and what He’s like by reading your Bible, perhaps talking to Him through your prayers. Maybe you’ve even spent time with members of His family—folks who have a loving relationship with Him; you enjoy being in their company. In your own heart, love has blossomed, and you’re thinking it may be time to consider making a commitment. A lot of thought has gone into taking this big step, but the day of “pledging your life”—declaring your belief in Jesus—is a different matter. You are still getting ready, maybe even trying to get “cleaned up,” more presentable, before you are ready to say, “I do.”
My friends, until you say those words, “I do” or “I believe,” a fully devoted relationship with Jesus will evade you. You won’t have His name, eternal security, or all the other benefits and privileges that go along with being His. You can’t start the journey with Him until you say to Him, “I do, I believe in You, Jesus!” When you do, He will clothe you in a “robe of righteousness.” He will cleanse you completely, without any stain, no disgrace, no defect, no guilt, or impurity will remain. And when Christ the bridegroom comes again, He will see only a perfect bride; white, pure, and beautiful. He will say, “Isn’t she magnificent! This is my beloved bride!”
Won’t you say “I do” today? He is ready to bestow upon you the promise of eternal life and all the spiritual blessings that are His to give. And you know what? It’s all FREE, by His grace! You don’t have to get a make-over, buy a princess dress, or rent a hall. He says “come,” just as you are!
Father in heaven, we praise You that Your gift of eternal life, through Your Son, Jesus, is free! There is not one thing we can do to make ourselves more acceptable to You. We already are. All we have to do is take that step to receive salvation by believing in Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for all the promises waiting for us once we say “I do!” In Your name we pray. Amen.