Preparing Our Hearts for Easter ~ Devotion for Lent

Day 41: Is He Weeping for You?

Luke 19:41:
“As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it…”

It is said, “Hindsight is 20/20.” Looking back at events after they have happened gives us great knowledge and insight into history, as well as insight into our own lives. An example of a sentiment I have uttered recently is, “If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!”

Jesus didn’t need to depend on 20/20 hindsight to know the history of what had taken place before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, nor to know what awaited Him once He arrived. He knew He was about to face a most horrendous week: betrayal, loss of close friends, horrific physical torture, separation from His Father and agonizing death. One last look at the city He loved brought tears to His eyes, weeping tears. The next verse in Luke 19, says this, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.” In the short time Jesus had to minister to the people, He spoke boldly of God’s redemptive plan for them, but many refused to believe His words. As He surveyed the city before Him, He wept for what might have been and the judgment that was to come. Still today, He weeps for those who have rejected Him, those who refuse to believe that He is the only One Who can bring peace by bridging the gap between us and God; the only One who took the punishment for our sin; the only One Who can offer eternal life. Jesus. As we consider these last few days before Easter, ask yourself, is He weeping for you?

Dear Father, forgive us for the times we have caused You to weep, the times we have caused Your heart to ache. Oh, may that never be again! Renew in us hearts totally yielded to You. During this Passion Week remind us each day of the steps Jesus took to the Cross so that provided a way for us to live forever with You. For His sake we pray. Amen.