John 1:10-11
“He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.”

When we arrived in our new city twelve years ago and unlocked the door to our new house, we were soon welcomed warmly by neighbors, some who brought cookies, another brought a pie and others offered helpful advice for anything we might need to help us get settled in. It set the tone for what have been a very caring, encouraging relationships within this neighborhood.
I think of Joseph and Mary entering Bethlehem after their long, arduous journey, with no welcoming party, no one to receive them or bring them refreshment or to offer comfort. My guess is no one really noticed their arrival. On the other hand perhaps there was talk amongst the townspeople of this couple who had arrived with just a few bundles on a donkey, seeking shelter for the night. Did anyone wonder how they would manage with a soon-to-be-born baby? Probably not, as many other out-of-towners besides Mary and Joseph were arriving for the census. The town was bustling with its citizens going about their business. Stalls for commerce were open and sales brisk as nighttime approached so who had time to worry about two strangers in the night and a newborn babe when there was too much work and buying and selling to be done?
Sounds like our holiday shopping season, doesn’t it? Who has time to focus on the King of the Universe when we still have a list of gifts to buy, food to stock up on and decorating to finish? Have we allowed the pressures of the season to rob us of the Joy of the season? Lord, help us not be so busy, so hurried that we fail to focus on the coming of the King. Let us not miss the message of Christmas, the majesty of the Holy One, the arrival of the Son of God who is the Way of Joy!
Dear God, forgive us of our distracted hearts that claim no time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. May we receive Jesus, Your Son, into our hearts, welcome Him into our lives and prepare Him room in our homes this Christmas. In the name of the Holy One, Jesus, we pray. Amen.