Preparing Our Hearts for Easter ~ A Devotional Series for Lent Day 31: The Great “I AM”

John 8:58
“Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

For years a small rock with the word, “Provider” sat on our window sill. We were going through a particularly hard time financially, paying the mortgage on the one house we lived in and another mortgage on a house we couldn’t sell and struggled to rent out. College payments for one daughter and then both girls strained our budget even more, to the point that we analyzed each and every purchase to determine if it was truly a need. That little rock was a daily reminder for us to keep our eyes on Jehovah Jirah, our Provider, rather than on our depressing circumstances. It took seven lean years for the house to finally sell, but we were never forsaken by our Provider. Not once did we go hungry, or go without clothing or heat in winter. There have been times when I’ve pulled that little rock out of the drawer to display once again as a reminder of God’s great faithfulness in getting us through those hard times, and also to remind us that it’s not just in lean times that He provides, but that in ALL times, God is our Provider.

The Bible has much to teach us about the names of the Almighty, beyond just “God” and “Lord.” Old Testament references in the original Hebrew and Aramaic translations offer deeper insights into His character. The account in Exodus 3:14 of Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush begins with a question: Moses asked God what His name was and God replied: “I AM that I AM…you must say this to the Israelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” In our verse for today, Jesus likewise declared that He Himself is God, when He said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

Today’s devotion focuses on the Old Testament names and a future devotion will focus on the New Testament names. I would encourage you to spend some time looking up the OT passages that correspond to each name, receiving the truth revealed in each. The Holy Spirit may direct you to focus on one particular name that speaks to what you are going through right now. You might want to find a rock to write on or a card on which to print out that name, to place in a conspicuous spot as a daily, even hourly, reminder of God’s character. Then begin to pray the Name—in your “going out and coming in” pray the Name! What wonderful comfort and encouragement comes when we are reminded of the many ways the great “I AM” came to change our lives forever!

*EL ROI ~ God opens our eyes
Genesis 16:13
He is all-seeing. He also enables us, through His Holy Spirit, to see His truth.

EL-OLAM ~ God is everlasting
Genesis 21:33
He is our Everlasting God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Genesis 22:14
He will provide for all your needs.

ABHIR ~ Mighty One
Genesis 49:24
He is the Mighty One who fights for us and protects with His mighty hand.

EL SHADDAI ~ Sufficiency
Genesis 49:25
He will always be our Sufficiency to meet our spiritual, emotional and physical needs. In Him we have all we need.

Exodus 15:22-26
He is our Great Physician who makes us whole in body, mind and spirit.

Exodus 17:15
We are His and He is fighting for us.

KANNA ~ God is jealous for us
Exodus 20:5
He considers us His beloved, His precious bride, and desires our devotion.

ZUR ~ God is our Rock
Deuteronomy 32:18
He is our Rock, the secure foundation upon which we can stand with full confidence and peace.

Judges 6:24
He is our Peace and is in control of all things.

MAGEN ~ Shield
Psalms 3:3 and 18:30
He is our Shield who guards and defends us.

YAHWEH ~ Redeemer
Psalm 19:14
He is our Redeemer; He wipes out our past mistakes and makes all things new.

EYALUTH ~ Strong Tower
Psalm 22:19
He is our Strong Tower; we can always run to Him as our stronghold, our protector, defender and source of safety.

Psalm 23
He is our Shepherd who tends to His flock, watches over us and draws us back when we wonder away.

JEHOVAH TSIDKENU ~ Righteousness
Jeremiah 23:5
He is our Righteousness. When we trust Him for our salvation, He declares us righteous!

Almighty God, we praise You for the many names that speak of Your incomparable majesty and glory. There is no one in heaven or on earth who can claim any of the names attributed to You. Thank You for all the ways You reveal Yourself to us and we ask for Your blessing upon our lives as we turn to You, our one true God, the “Great I AM.” In Your Holy Name we pray, amen.

*Portions taken from Teacups Full of Treasures by Mary Grace Birkhead