Day 48: God’s Waiting Room

Matthew 10:31
“Fear not, therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.”
After the barrenness of the winter months, a transformation begins to take place in our garden. One of the first signs of Spring, besides the appearance of crocuses, daffodils, and hyacinths, so anxious to burst forth in new life, is the heightened activity of the birds. Sometimes we hear the eager twitterpated birds as early as mid-February and then in early Spring they go on the search for a nesting place, which is usually our front door wreath. Finally, after having to trash another door decoration, I have gotten smart and no longer tempt them. Nevertheless, I always hear them out there, making their plans, searching for the right spot as their time of barrenness brings forth new life. 
I remember a time many years ago, when I was a relatively new Christian, that the desire to be used by God was burning so deep within me that I cried out to Him asking, “Why? Why am I in Your ‘waiting room’, Lord?” To my heart He spoke clearly, “Because I am preparing you.” He must have had a lot of preparation in mind as it was another decade before I sensed He had been preparing me to minister to women. And then, like the flowers of Spring, God’s plan for me burst forth into a new life, a ministry to women that has taken many forms and has lasted for nearly forty years.
Many of you today find yourselves in a time of barrenness. Perhaps you are mourning the loss of a spouse, experiencing a dry spiritual period, unanswered prayer, loneliness, separation from family, a job loss, or are suffering from a devastating disease. Perhaps you are waiting for your “prodigal” to come home. Are you feeling forsaken by God as you wait? Please take heart, dear reader! He has not forsaken you! You are of much more value to the Lord than any birds. He loves you, He has a plan, and you can trust Him with the time you spend in His waiting room.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much and that You care about every detail of our lives. We acknowledge that You have a purpose for each season on earth, and each season in our lives. As we enter into a new Lenten season next week, we ask for renewed hearts and trust that You will bring us new life out of barrenness. Take our hard, selfish, unbelieving hearts and transform them into soft, yielded, trusting, and faithful ones. Prepare us, O God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.