Proverbs 31:28, 30-31
“Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her…
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

Let’s face it, mothering is hard, perhaps the hardest thing a woman does her entire life. So much is at stake as she tries to steer her charges towards being obedient, respectable, motivated, hard-working, God-honoring human beings. Mothers today have the benefit of machines to do a lot of the chores and the availability of take-out when they are too tired to cook but there is a burden many bear that is not always obvious to others. Besides all the emotional, physical and spiritual facets of motherhood, women today live under the weight of expectations—trying to meet the expectations and approval of others. Many fall into a perfectionistic, performance-based acceptance trap or the trap of comparing themselves, their homes, and their children to others.
Dear women, we are daughters of the King! Let us not fall into that trap but, rather, be grace-filled women, fulfilling our uniquely designed roles as mothers and grandmothers, not allowing the enemy to tear down what the Lord has built up and is continuing to work in us. God has confidence in us and He has equipped us for this. What we are instilling in our children and grandchildren—all the love, encouragement and training in righteousness—are parts of the priceless inheritance that will be passed down to those kids.
Almost daily as I scroll through Facebook, I see examples of the rich inheritance already passed down, evidenced by the many tributes given to moms who are no longer with us. What we do today in the lives of our children and grandchildren counts immeasurably—even after we are gone and no longer here to see it—having an impact on the generations to come.
To all of you moms, who give so selflessly each day, stay faithful to the divine task for which God has commissioned you. Cling to God and hold onto the big picture.
Father God, on this special day set aside to honor mothers, we ask for Your divine touch upon us. May each mother reading this be granted a special blessing, and may all of the work of her hands be remembered in Your sight. Let her example to her children be a guiding force in their lives, and may her love, wisdom, and instruction in righteousness be passed down to her family and other mothers for many generations to come. For Your sake, Amen.
Enjoy this beautiful song and may you have a blessed and Happy Mother’s Day!
“Far Above Riches”
Far above riches,
Far above honor,
Lasting beauty beyond compare;
She is nobler,
She is more precious.
Treasure this one whose life we share.
Woman of honor,
Priceless companion,
Wife and mother and faithful friend,
Shepherd and servant,
Teacher and helper
She lives a love that has no end.
Morning and evening,
Summer and winter,
Ever faithful and glad to share;
Touching and lifting,
Tenderly giving
In her we feel our Father’s care.
God of all comfort,
Fountain of blessing,
Ever loving in all You do,
Thank You for giving
Far above riches.
Gladly we lift our praise to You!
~ lyrics by Ken Bible